Monday, September 16, 2013

L.A. Ends New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week has sadly come to an end. All of the excitement over new fashion collections, celebrity sightings, abundance of quirky street style, and model mayhem have taken a hiatus. Nobody nows how to throw an End of Fashion Week Party like Patricia Field and on Thursday night as New York Fashion Week came to a close, the famed stylist held a soiree in her downtown boutique. Waiting to celebrate the California designers Rickvilla, Dimepiece LA, Hologram City, Jonathan Burdine, Rojas, Adeen and Joseph Anthony the crowd waiting to get inside was an eyeful. As the two floor shop filled up with New York Cities gender bending youth and fashionably eccentric rappers such as Dai Burger the night just kept getting hotter and hotter. Before it got too hot to mingle, I snagged this photo of LA's own fashionistos Leo and Luis Lohan who were in the New York representing and supporting the Los Angeles designers. These boys brought the look to Bowery and did a fantastic job sporting leather, ponytails and floral print not to mention black on black on black. All I have to say is Yes, Yes, Yes to this ensemble.

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